Before running Directadmin install guide

As Directadmin will detect hostname when running the installation of Directadmin below command is required to avoid the system auto-assign and over write the network setting.

1) Login to the SSH via root
2) Run hostname and check the hostname setting
3) Double check via hostname -f also, and do ensure both show the same hostname
4) You can also edit and check the IP and Hostname show inside the vi /etc/hosts file inside anot, if not there edit it to your IP and hostname instead of using and localhost

Once all this is set, you can use the Directadmin installation command.

bash <(curl -fsSL 'Provided license key should go here'

PS: Everything must be run under ROOT.

TemasekTech offering discounted Directadmin license for using within our Network, if you using our Cloud Server aka VPS or Dedicated Server

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