You can't wrong selecting TemasekTech
Webserver is connected via 10Gbps Public Port
Hong Kong DC using the Direct Route to China, Mainland via CTGNet aka CN2-GIA
Average is 10ms-50ms within whole China, Mainland
ChinaNet Direct Backbone on China, Mainland
Connected you to the World largest Internet Market which blocked outside world.
10Gbps Port Speed to the Whole Europe. You can't wrong selecting TemasekTech
Hong Kong DC using the Direct Route to China, Mainland
Free DDoS Protection up to 10Gbps
Only Support IPv6
Best Target to 13 Billions World Largest Internet User Group
Available at United Kingdom and Germany Datacenter
Deploy RAID-10 Storage VMs for your backups and mass storage now with TemasekTech high-performing up to 40 GbE public port!
DDoS Protected. You can't be wrong with TemasekTech
All Hong Kong IPv4 is Fully unBlocked from Great China Firewall
Upstream Network - 20Gbps ChinaNet, 10Gbps ChinaUni, 5Gbps ChinaEduNet, 5Gbps ChinaMobile
Available at United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany Datacenter
Domain Registration and Transfer-IN @ TemasekTech